"How do we make money come out of this thing? I think we should call Rian."
Application Maintenance
An often-underestimated challenge is maintaining and enhancing your applications. Regular maintenance and updates are critical to keeping your applications secure and running smoothly. I can help you understand your current technology stack, and then work with you to develop a plan to keep it operating at peak security and effectiveness-- through the use of cloud and containerization technologies like Docker and Kubernetes.
Sample Engagements
Long-term application management for a financial services marketing team to design, host, and manage a dynamic, CMS-based questionnaire for their clients to aid in assessing and improving their business practices. The system calculates industry benchmarks and scores while allowing for the client to adjust questions and weightings over time.
Development, hosting, and management of a large, complex, SEO-optimized Next.js Web site and the constituent CMS and database components.